Best Architecture Colleges in the World-Top Architecture Institute in the World

List of best Architecture Colleges in the World

According to the latest ranking done by the reputable QS World University ranking by Subject, these are some of the top Architecture Schools in the World:

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the US
  • University College London (UCL), the UK
  • The Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
  • ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Harvard University, the US
  • National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
  • The University of California, Berkley (UCB), the US
  • Tsinghua University, China
  • University of Cambridge, the UK
  • Politecnico di Milano, Italy

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The MIT School of Architecture and planning is part of the five schools of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The school combines art, technical education, culture, and science. It offers both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. MIT’s course work is rich and as s a student, you will learn about building technology, computation, Urbanism, and much more.

MIT is currently occupying the No. 1 position among the best architecture schools in the world.

2. University College London, the UK

UCL is home to one of the most influential architectural schools. Known as The Bartlett School of Architecture, It is currently the 2nd best department in the world for Architecture and the built environment. It offers 4 undergraduate courses in architecture and 14 postgraduate programs.

If you are admitted into UCL, you will undertake an academic program that is rewarding. The coursework is rigorous and design-led. In addition, UCL also offers 17 graduate programs to students who want to be leaders in their field.

According to QS ranking (a highly), UCL stands takes the 2nd place among the best architecture schools in the world.

3. ETH, Zurich

ETH Zurich is well known for its academic standards. Its faculty accommodates one of the best STEM institutions in the world. 

The focus in this school is largely on theory rather than application. However, you can be sure of the diversity of specialization to choose from. Some of the school’s focus includes :

  • Technology in architecture
  • Conservation of architectural heritage 
  • Architecture: theory and history
  • Urban environment
  • Landscape design

This school espouses the two-tiered Bologna process. That is to say, you can complete your undergraduate and Master’s degrees consecutively. Now that is a good deal!

4. University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge is not a newcomer to the league of best architecture schools. The school’s innovative program is well-rounded to serve the needs of the current environment. But to be at par, you must be ready to expand the range of your imagination. The department of Architecture has a small class size as it seeks to focus on the peculiarities of each student. In fact, if you are fortunate to get into the program, you will have your own workshop. 

You will have 11 Master’s programs and a full 3 years program to choose from.

5. The Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

The Delft University of Technology has a highly acclaimed faculty and programs.  This school’s program pays a lot of attention to urbanism in its academic research. Furthermore, there is a good combination of humanities and science in its research endeavors. With a decent diploma and your proficiency in English and Dutch, you would be well on your way to its highly esteemed architecture faculty.

6. Manchester School of Architecture

Manchester School of architecture is a merger of two schools. It fosters the synergy between creativity and design. As a result, it has become well known for its diverse programs. Its research borrows from the ideas of prominent  English architects. Some of the programs include:

  • Urbanism
  • Conversation of Historic Sites
  • Environmental and Landscape Design
  • History and Urban Planning

7. Politecnico di Milano

This Italian school is a prestigious institution with one of the best architectural programs. This is not surprising as Italian architecture has earned a reputable place in the world. Moreover, the school is amongst Europe’s most renowned engineering schools.

It has a 3-year bachelor’s program which offers study trips and workshops. Both undergraduate and postgraduate courses are available. 

Another good mark about this school is its employability ranking and the vast network of respectable alumni.

8. Harvard University

Amongst other things, the architecture faculty at Harvard will equip you to explore a range of design investigations, and build your knowledge of the modern built environment.

One of the key aspects of the department’s philosophy is the integration of design excellence in the skillful manipulation of form. The architecture course work includes design studio, theory, technology, and professional practice, with design as the main focus of learning.

Furthermore, your experience as a student will be enriched through exhibitions, renowned lectures, and public program series. As the demand for innovation increases, Harvard’s architectural department is ever more focused on the use of modern technology to mold leaders in the field.

#9. National University of Singapore

Apart from being a prominent University in Asia, NUS has earned a place as one of the best architecture schools in the world. The growing economy and urbanization in Asia are taking place at a fast rate.

An architecture degree in NUS will immerse you deeply in these growth opportunities. You stand to reap from the positive complexities as a result of this. The B.A. (Arch) at NUS is a four-year Honors degree program that serves as the foundation for concurrent Master’s programs. 

This school teaches design excellence through exploration and application. Due to its location, concepts you will learn include equatorial environment alongside other environmental concepts affecting the built environment.

You will have the option of choosing a specialization in your final year of study, leading on to concurrent Master’s programs. According to the NUS department of architecture, “this sequence encourages independent and advanced thinking…” 

10. The University of California, Berkeley (UCB) the United States

The Department of Architecture at UC Berkeley has a strong culture that promotes research. It offers thorough programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The faculty adopts a unique multidisciplinary style in its programs. Exciting collaboration exists with a variety of other disciplines. Such areas of interest form the framework for architectural technologies and humanities. As such, you will be encouraged to re-vision and re-make the built environment.

Some of the  NAAB-accredited programs are: 

  • MArch ( pre-professional degree 120 credits + 48 graduate credits)
  • MArch ( non-professional degree + 72 credits)

Undergraduate Programs

  • Architecture: BA, Minor
  • Environmental Design and Urbanism in Developing Countries: Minor
  • History of the Built Environment: Minor
  • Social and Cultural Factors in Design: Minor
  • Sustainable Design: Minor

Graduate Programs 

Architecture: MArch, MAAD, MS, PhD

11. Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University is a top university in China. Its programs are recognized internationally. The Bachelor’s degree is a four-year program while the master’s degree takes 1-2 years depending on your background and ability. An extension in the master’s degree does not attract extra tuition.

However, proficiency in Chinese is a requirement if you have an interest in studying at Tsinghua University. The architecture faculty at Tsinghua University fosters critical thinking and adopts, by intention, small class size in order to breed thorough architects of the future. They cannot be blamed. This is one of the hallmarks of being one of the best architecture schools in the world.

12. Ecole Politecnique Federale Le Lusanne

EPFL is easily one of the best Swiss schools out there and that is for compelling reasons. Their architecture program firmly uses research and innovation as an academic framework. 

Studying in this school will encourage you to reflect on the various theoretical issues and use this knowledge as a basis for your own work. Several resources are also available for practice at the workshop where you will have your own space.

Modern computation tools and a robust library are all part of what makes this swiss school one of the top schools for architecture.

13. Tongji University / Shanghai, China

The Architecture program at Tongji University is a dual degree and it is taught in English. As an aspiring international student, you are required to gain English language proficiency.

The program takes four years to complete. Due to its collaboration, you will spend the first three semesters at Tongji University, the fourth to seventh semesters at the University of New South Wales, and the last one back at Tongji University.

The faculty consists of experts of international reputation including a Nobel laureate in the field. After graduation, you will be eligible to take qualifying examinations in China, Australia, and other commonwealth countries.

14. The University of Hong Kong, China:

The University of Hong Kong in China believes in invention and research. It aims to groom architects who will be able to influence the local and international landscape. The school has many options in architecture. These include 

  • Bachelor of Arts in Architecture
  • Masters in Architecture
  • Masters in Architecture (design)
  • MPhil and Ph.D.

15. The Hong Kong Polytechnique University:

The Hong Kong Polytechnique University emphasizes the application of knowledge in learning. The Polytechnique achieves this through its Work-in-Education and Service in Learning framework.

As a result of this, students of this school are valuable in the workforce. Also, the school is focused on the advances of the fourth industrial era and is keen on producing top-rated architects of the future.

It has earned a commendable position in global rankings and is welcoming to international students. You will receive architecture education through spatial design education and studio culture. 

Best Architectural School in the US

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Harvard University
  • Princeton University
  • The University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
  • Columbia University
  • Yale University
  • The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
  • New York University

Best Architecture Schools in Europe

  • Architectural Association of Architecture
  • University of Cambridge, The UK
  • University College London (UCL), The UK
  • The Delft University of Technolgy, The Netherlands
  • Politecnico di Milano

Top Architecture Schools, Philippines

  • University of the Philippines, Mindanao
  • Saint Louis University
  • University of the Philippines, Diliman
  • Mapua University

Top Undergraduate Architecture Schools

  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
  • Cornell University, Ithaca,
  • California Polytechnic State University, California
  • Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
  • University of Cincinnati, Ohio

Best Graduate Architecture Schools

  • MIT School of Architecture and Planning
  • Yale School of Architecture
  • Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
  • Princeton University
  • Rice University School of Architecture

Architecture Master Program Ranking

  • Master in Architecture 2 – Harvard University
  • MSc in Advanced Architectural Design – Columbia University
  • Post-Master in Architecture and Urban Design – TuDelft, The Netherlands
  • Master in Collective Housing – ETH + UPM, Spain
  • English Program for Master in Architecture – Tsinghua University, China


Finally, best architectural schools in the world provide world-class facilities and training, you will gain an edge over the competition.

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