Circle Rates of Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh Circle Rates

Himachal Pradesh Circle Rates refer to the minimum amount of rate, below which you cannot purchase any type of land in the state of Himachal. For convenience of the citizens of the state, the Himachal Pradesh circle rates are defined separately for the cities of Shimla, Kangra and Mandi as Circle Rate Shimla, Circle Rate Kangra and Circle Rate Mandi respectively. 

How to Calculate Himachal Pradesh Circle Rates

Let us now see how you can calculate Himachal Pradesh Circle Rates by using the following steps:

  • Determine the area in which you would like to calculate the Himachal Pradesh circle rates. 
  • Determine the type of property you would like to assess – residential, agricultural land, floors, etc. 
  • Find out the least assessment digit according to the given Himachal Pradesh circle rates.
  • Use this formula to calculate Himachal Pradesh circle rates
The Value of the Property = Built-up area (in sq meters) x circle rate for the locality (in INR per sq meter).

Sub-categorization of Himachal Circle Rates

According to Himachal Pradesh Circle Rates, the State of Himachal Pradesh is presently divided into 3 major Circle Rate zonals. They are

  • Circle Rate Shimla 
  • Circle Rate Kangra 

Back in the days, the rates of property rates fluctuated a lot, and people had to physically visit the office of the Patwari (revenue official) in order to be updated. This used to cause havoc and people would simply not be aware of the latest alterations. Ever since the Himachal Pradesh circle rates have been made accessible online, the inconvenience has drastically gone down, and more people are aware. 

The Himachal Pradesh Circle Rates including the Circle Rate Shimla, Circle Rate Kangra and Circle Rate Mandi are looked after by the Revenue Administration, which is headed by the Finance Commissioner, who also acts as the Principal Secretary of Revenue. Each district (Circle Rate Shimla, Circle Rate Kangra and Circle Rate Mandi) is headed by the Deputy Commissioner, who is also the District Magistrate and Collector. 

How to Check Circle Rate Shimla

Let us now have a look at how you can easily access the information regarding the Circle Rate Shimla. 

 LocationResidential Commercial
AhnogINR 17,000 per sq. meterINR 28,500 per sq. meter
BagINR  13,000 per sq. meterINR 20,000 per sq. meter
BadhalINR  77,600 per sq. meterINR 83,000 per sq. meter
KotlaINR 50,000 per sq. meterINR 78,400 per sq. meter
TaiwalINR 27,000 per sq. meterINR 50,200 per sq. meter
AlawangINR 30,300 per sq. meterINR 60,600 per sq. meter
AnuINR 6,00,000 per sq. meterINR 12,00,000 per sq. meter
Bagra INR 5,00,900 per sq. meterINR 10,10,700 per sq. meter
AlotiINR 2,97,100 per sq. meterINR 5,94,000 per sq. meter
Baila INR 3,47,000 per sq. meterINR 6,95,000 per sq. meter

How to Check Kangra Circle Rates

Let us now have a look at how you can easily access the information regarding the Kangra Circle Rates. 

AlathuINR 44,000 per sq. meterINR 75,500 per sq. meter
AradhaINR 59,600 per sq. meterINR 3,76,600 per sq. meter
Aran INR 6,200 per sq. meterINR 25,500 per sq. meter
BaglaINR 1,46,900 per sq. meterINR 5,96,100 per sq. meter


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